History - The Cold War - Doctrines +


1. Truman Doctrine - 1947

  • Truman promised that the USA would provide aid to any country against Communist.
  • Consequences of the Truman Doctrine:
  • The Greek government was able to defeat the Communists.
  • The USA became committed to the policy of containment and far more involved in European affairs.
  • In 1947, Stalin set up the Communist Information Bureau, Comiform, to link Communist parties in eastern Europe and worldwide.

2. Marshall Plan - 1947

  • The Marshall Plan helped European countries economies recover after WW2.
  • It was essentially the action of the Truman Doctrine.
  • Consequences of the Marshall Plan:
  • Marshall invited countries to meet together and decide how to use US aid.
  • Set up the Organisation for European Economic Recovery (OEEC).
  • By 1953, the USA had provided $17 billion to help European countries rebuild their economics and raise their standard of living. US machinery helped European factories to recover from the effects of WW2.
  • Europe became more firmly divided between East and West. Stalin didn't trust the USA. He accused the USA for using the Plan fo its own selfish interests.

3. Cominform - 1947

  • Communist Information Bureau set up to enable USSR to coordinate Communist parties throughout Europe.
  • It was introduced to ensure that countries in eastern Europe followed Soviet aims in foreign policy and introduce Soviet-style economic policies, such as Collectivisation of Agriculture and state control of industry.
  • USSR used the organisation to get rid of any members who disagreed


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