Germany, 1919–1945

  • Created by: Daisy0029
  • Created on: 06-05-16 18:49


Key issue: What were the weaknesses and strengths of Weimar democracy?

  • The nature of Weimar democracy
  • Post-war economic conditions as a cause of discontent
  • Revolts, rebellions and opposition to Weimar, 1919–1923
  • The origins and history of National Socialism, 1919–1925
  • The Munich Putsch, 1923
  • Stresemann and Weimar successes, 1923–1929.

Key issue: How was Hitler able to come to power?

  • The depression, its impact on Germany and contribution to the rise of National Socialism
  • Political instability, 1929–1933
  • The emergence of the Nazis as a mass party, 1928–1930
  • The role of Hitler in the development of the Nazi Party; the leadership of the Nazis
  • The struggle for power, 1930–1933.


Key issue: How did Hitler create a dictatorship?

  • The creation of the one-party state: the Reichstag Fire, the Enabling Law, the Night of the Long Knives
  • The removal of military and political opposition.

Key issue: How effectively did the Nazis control Germany in the years 1933–1945?

  • The nature of the totalitarian state; the abolition of freedom, individual liberties and trade unions, the ** organisation's role in the Nazi state
  • The nature of continuing opposition and resistance within the Third Reich: the White Rose Movement, the work of individuals such as Cardinal Galen, Niemoller and Bonhoeffer
  • The opposition of the military, the Kreisau Circle, 1939-1944, Stauffenberg bomb plot 1944.


Key issue: How much change


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