Geography Paper 2- The Changing Economic World (Section B) Nigeria


17 Nigeria: A newly emerging economy

 Specification reference: 3.2.2 The changing economic world

Key idea: some LICs and NEEs are experiencing rapid economic development which leads to significant social, environmental and cultural change

 Case study of NEE: NIGERIA

Location and Importance

·         West Africa, bordering 4 countries

·         In 2014, 21st largest economy

·         Supplies 2.7% of the world’s oil

·         Has a diverse economy in financial services, telecommunication and media

·         5th largest contributor to UN global peacekeeping mission

·         Largest population in Africa

·         Highest farm output in Africa

·         Huge potential despite lack of infrastructure



·         During colonial period, UK ruled Nigeria

·         It became independent in 1960

·         Political instability affected Nigeria’s development and led to corruption

·         Has had a stable government since 1999

·         Several countries are starting to invest


·         Multi-ethnic, multi-faith country, this is a strength but has causes civil war previously

·         Economic inequality has led to tensions which have a negative impact on the economy


·         Nigerian music is popular

·         ‘Nollywood’ is the second largest film industry

·         Nigerian football team won the African Cup of Nations 3 times


·         Semi-desert in the northern region

·         Jos Plateau- upland wet region with woodland and farms

·         Tropical grasslands used to graze cattle

·         High temperature and high rainfall in the south- cocoa is grown here





Changing industrial structure

Nigeria’s main source of income used to be primary products e.g. cotton, cocoa but oil now accounts for 95% of Nigeria’s export earnings.

Balance between different sectors of the economy

1999- Most people working in agriculture (not balanced)

2012- Growth of secondary and tertiary jobs due to better working conditions than in farming (balanced)

Manufacturing Industry

Involves making products from raw materials, so 10% of Nigeria’s GDP is from manufacturing

·         Regular paid work gives people…


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