Geography - Case Study of Blackpool

  • Created by: joshlad
  • Created on: 01-06-16 11:22

Case Study of UK Coastal Resort - Blackpool

Blackpook is located in the North West of England. It became popular as a tourist destination in the late 1800s and its popularity increased steadily until the late 1980s when tourism numbers dropped from 16 million to 10 million. Despite this, Blackpool is still dominated by the tourism industry and there are 91,000 bed spaces, most of which are in small guesthouses. 

Why do people currently go to Blackpool?

  • To visit The Pleasure Beach which is a theme park. It is one of the UK's most visited tourist attractions.
  • The sandy beach and its piers
  • The Blackpool Illuminations - a spectular light show running since the late 1800s during the Autumn months to prolong the tourist season.
  • Party political conferences take place there
  • Concerts and shows happen there.

The Rise and Decline of Blackpool - The Butler Model

Blackpool fits the Butler Model perfectly.


In the 1700s, only landed gentry visited Blackpool. There were just 4 hotels and the main attraction was the sea.


In the 1800s, the Central Pier and Blackpool Tower opened…


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