GCSE AQA Psychology Memory,NVC and personality

  • Created by: natalie
  • Created on: 19-01-13 09:42




Raine (2000)

A: To see if criminals minds where any different to law abiding citizens brains.

P: He collected a bunch of criminals all pleading not guilty for reasons of insanity and conducted a series of tests and measured activity in their brains.

F: Raine found that in criminal’s minds there was

- Less activity in the left hemisphere and more in the right

- Less activity in the prefrontal area of the brain

- Abnormal asymmetries in amygdala

C: Criminals who pleaded guilty did have significantly different levels of activity in the brain and these may have leaded them to become violent.


Anti-social Personality Disorder (APD)

APD is a mental disorder which consists of a pervasive pattern disregard for and violation of the rights of others. That begins as a child and continues into adulthood.

These indicate APD

1. Failure to conform to social norms i.e. disobeying the law continuously

2. Deceitfulness repeated lying

3. Irritability or aggressiveness

4. Lack of remorse

5. Failure to plan ahead

Eysnecks type theory (1952)

Eysnecks type theory suggests that personality comes in 3 forms....

Extroversion - An extrovert is someone who prefers to socialise, or do things in crowds.

Introversion - An introvert is someone who prefers to be alone by themselves.

Neuroticism - When you’re neurotic you constantly worry or experience fear about things. 

Thomas (1977)

A: To conduct a study into temperament

P: Thomas studied babies between the ages of 2 and 3 months old and watched as they grew up along with interviewing their parents and developed nine different categories of behaviour.

F/C: Using these categories Thomas defined 3 types of temperament

1. Easy temperament - Predominantly good mood and easygoing

2. Difficult temperament - The opposite of easy bad mood intense reactions.

3. Slow to warm up temperament - Mild reaction and neutral mood. 

Personality and Temperament

Personality and temperament are the features which define who we are and how we act.

Personality is more specifically stable aspects of individuals which make them unique but allow them to be compared to others.

Temperament on the other hand is an inborn personality, characterised at first by genetics and then which can change throughout life.

Non verbal


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