Topic 1: Functionalist, Strain and Sub-cultural theories

  • Created by: RAFAEL
  • Created on: 19-10-16 21:18

Durkheim's functionalist theory 

  • Functionalism sees society based on value consensus and shared culture.
  • Shared culture produces social solidarity, to acheive this you need:
    • Socialisation allows for individuals in society to internalise the norms and values.
    • Social control includes negative and positive sanctions based on the individuals behaviour, e.g: conformity = positive, deviance = negative.
  • Too much crime destablises society, but crime is inevitable and universal.
  • Durkheim 'crime is normal... an integral part of all healthy societies'.
  • Not everyone is effectively socialised to norms and values, individuals are prone to deviate.
  • What the members of a subculture see as normal, mainstream culture may see as deviant.
  • Anomie are the rules governing behaviour becoming weaker and less clear-cut as a result of a destabilised society = weaker shared culture.
  • Boundary Maintenance suggests that crime provides a reaction from society,uniting its members and reinforcing commitment to shared norms and values by punishing the wrongdoer.
    • Durkheim says the purpose of punishment is to reaffirm share


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