Full PE notes

  • Created by: Sophie
  • Created on: 28-08-11 11:25


·     Participation affected by time and funds available

·     Professionals - Full-time, paid and often sponsored

·     Amateurs - Part-time, hobby and for enjoyment

5 Principles of training (SPORT):

·       Specificity - training needs to be suited to the sport that you do

·       Progression - Steadily increase training amount when body has adapted to current training

·       Overload - make body work harder than usual, push beyond training threshold. Overload by increasing:

o   Frequency (Training more often)

o   Intensity (increase reps, weights)

o   Time (training for a longer duration)

·       Reversibly - Fitness level will go down if training stops, takes longer to gain fitness than to lose it

·       Tedium - Varity of training ways to avoid boredom.

Warm ups and downs

·       Warm-ups should carry out for every physical activity

-Prepares body

-Increases blood flow

-Reduces injury

o   Should be designed to the specific sport

·       Warm-downs remove lactic acid and other waste materials, gets your body back to normal

Types of training

·        Weight training - improves muscle strength and tone

o   Isometric training

-Muscles contract and no movement

o   Isotonic training

-Muscles contract and shorten producing movement

·       Circuit training - Loads of different exercises

o   Becomes less boring

o   Adaptable to indoors and outdoors

o   Includes weight training and aerobic exercise

o   Can be a pain to setup

o   May get too busy

·       Continuous training - no resting

o   Exercising at a constant rate

o   Long, slow distance training

o   Needs a barely any equipment

o   Good for using up body fat

o   Can be boring

o   Improves cardio vascular, not sprinting

·       Farlek training - change in speed.

o   Changes in intensity and type of exercise

o   No stop

o   easily changed to suit sport

o   easy to skip hard parts

·       Interval training - fixed patterns

o   Fast and slow exercise

o   Rest after each set

o   Mix of aerobic and anaerobic

o   Bit dull

Roles of an active participant

·       Player/performer - Make effective plans to improve performance. They need to know the skills, tactics, playing positions, techniques and moves needed for the activity

·       Organiser - Bringing everything together, so there is a right time and place for maximise promotion, participation and high quality performance

·       Leader/coach - Specialist in the activity who prepares the player physically, mentally and with good skill. They influence the player to achieve set goals and have good behaviour

·       Choreographer - designer or arranger of staged dances

·       Official - Controls the activity, interprets the rules, law or regulations of activity and checks equipment. Eg. Judge, umpire, steward


Health, Exercise and Fitness

Healthy lifestyle

·       Health = “A state…




Brilliant resource, these are currently all around my house in pretty colours :) Thanks so much
