Essay plans


Utilitarianism essay plan:


  • Define key terms- Relativistic and teleological
  • History- where it began

Paragraph 2:

  • Jeremy Bentham- Act utilitarianism
  • Greatest good for the greatest number
  • Hedonic calculus to measure pleasure

Paragraph 3:

  • John Stuart Mill- Rule utilitarianism
  • Higher and lower pleasures
  • Harm principle

Paragraph 4:

  • Alternatives - prefernce, negative and welfare

Paragraph 5:

  • Conclusion
  • Key similarities between the types of utilitarianism

part b:

Paragraph 1:

  • Flexible and avoids fixed decisions- Doesn't force people to conform
  • Promotes equality and provides a democracy
  • Common sense- Happiness is a universal goal for all

Paragraph 2:

  • Some people find immoral things pleasurable eg: mass murderer killing many people
  • No justice- Allows the punishment of the innocent (tyranny of the majority)- eg: if a war was declared

Paragraph 3:

  • Do the strengths outweigh the weaknesses?

Situation ethics essay plan

part a


  • Define key terms- Relativistic and teleological
  • History- Legalism and antinomianism

Paragraph 2:

  • One single maxim- Agape love
  • Everyone must do the most loving thing

Paragraph 3:

  • The 4 working principle- pragmatism, relativism, positivism and personalism

Paragraph 4:

  • The 6 fundamental principles

Paragraph 5:
-Summarise key characteristics

part b

Paragraph 1:

  • Provides a good…


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