energy consumption/usage


What type of countries have the highest levels of food consumptions? 

Developed countries eg) European countries and America 

What type of countries have lower levels of food consumption per person?

Developing countries eg) countries in sub-Saharan Africa

What countries use large amounts of energy to power their developing industries?


Why do developed countries more energy than developing countries?

Developed countries consume more energy than developing countries because developed countries have more money, therefore, can buy energy especially for objects that need energy in order for them to work. Developing countries don't have a large amount of money compared to developed countries as well as they may not have the equipment to produce energy even if they have energy resources and supplies 

What are the three reasons that there is an increasing demand for energy?

Population growth, increased wealth, technological advances 

Explain why population growth is one of the reasons

In 1916 the population was 2 billion and in 2016 it was 7.4 billion, so more people need


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