Depth 4 - The Yorkists divided, 1478-85


How significant were tensions in the Yorkist camp in the late 1470s and early 1480s?

Edward IV and the breach with the earl of Warwick

  • Warwick lavishly awarded by Edward for help in usurpation - became overmighty subject
  • Tension grew because Edward rejected marriage proposal of French lady from Warwick
  • He married Elizabeth Woodville instead - nobles hated her because:
  • She was English - no advantage in foreign diplomacy
  • Member of the gentry - relatively poor by royal standards
  • Widow with 2 children - not a virgin
  • Her former husband was a Lancastrian
  • Large family - was rewarded lavishly - infamous for greed
  • Insulting for Warwick - undermined
  • Edward wanted an alliance with Burgundy against France
  • Warwick alienated by Edward's favour to Woodville's family - Elizabeth rejected Warwick's marriage proposal
  • Warwick began to shift alliance to Lancastrians - Louis XI trying to cause civil strife
  • Warwick betrayed Edward - married Clarence to Isabel Neville - invaded in July 1469 at Battle of Edgecote - captured the king but later released it
  • Tension in court - Warwick fled again - made alliance with Margaret of Anjou - invaded in 1470 and reinstated Henry VI
  • Edward invaded again and took the throne - Clarence betrayed Warwick - Prince Edward killed, Henry VI arrested, Margaret captured, Warwick killed
  • Significance of the rebellion:
  • Henry and Edward dead - no figureheads to rise up
  • Warwick killed so no scheming from him
  • Was able to reconcile with Lancastrians as they had noone to support

Royal patronage and the quarrel of Clarence and Gloucester

  • Edward had a lot of land to distribute after defeating Henry
  • Rewarded his brothers the most - gave Gloucester the North (and council of the north) - gave Clarence Courtenay estates - however had to take Percy estates from Clarence to keep order in the North - angered Clarence so was given earldom of Richmond - was initially granted to Gloucester and was a very sought after estate
  • Tension around marriage - Isabel married to Clarence - Anne was widow of Prince Edward
  • Clarence concealed Anne to prevent marriage to Gloucester
  • Anne eventually married to Gloucester
  • Quarrel was embarassing for the king - settled it by giving Clarence lots of land and made him Great Chamberlain of England (originally held by Gloucester)
  • 1474-75 Acts of parliament to divide the Neville sister's inheritence between the 2 - showed Edward keen to reconciliate with Clarence
  • Neville wife gave Gloucester power in the North - was popular and good warrior

The reasons for the attainder and murder of George, duke of Clarence in 1478

  • Clarence's wife died - led to mental instability
  • Attempted to remarry to Mary of Burgundy - denied by Edward to stop him getting too much power
  • Clarence angry - spread rumours that the king was illegitamate - Edward blocked marriage to Scottish sister
  • Clarence reluctant to attend court - refused food and drink for fear of poison - reflected badly on king and queen
  • Clarence accused Isabel's handmaiden of killing her -


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