Criminology - Racial Hate Crime and social media

  • Created by: Shelly23
  • Created on: 10-01-17 15:06

Abercrombie and Longhurst (1998) highlited three chronological paradigms:

  • Behavioural - accepted or passively absorb information that was provided to them by the media
  • Incorporation/reistance - more active in their consumption
  • Spectacle/performance - more 'skilled' in their consumption of the many media sources that now exist.

The Growth of social media

There is a rapid growth of social media such as Facebook, Twitter and message boards. Some of these places you can be anominous. There are discussions about religion and ethnicity proliferate - used as a base for difference and discrimination.

Sallaz (2010) - racism is never static and social media has allowed old racial schemata to be broadcast in new social settings.

The debate:

  • Immigration in the media
  • Since 9/11 discussions have moved from biology to cultural differences - homogenous host culture
  • Leads to racialization, 'othering' and hate speech - social alienation
  • Islamophobia - 'an outlook or world view involving an unfounded dread and dislike of muslims which results in practices of exclusion and discimination' (Runnymede Trust, 1997:1)
  • Discource shows difference, resistance to multiculturalism, contestion, Islamophobia through presentation of whiteness and national belonging (Celand, 2013)
  • Van Dijk (2004) racist discourse takes two particular forms (a) It is directed at ethnically different others, (b) it is about ethnically different others
  • Butler 1990 - possible…


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