Covert Participant Observation


Advantages of covert participant obseravtion:

  • One advantage of using covert participant observation is that it enables sociologists to study otherwise hard to reach groups, those who might no co-operate with overt research. Detailed qualitative data can be obtained revealing more about why people behave the way they do and what it means to them.
  • If the group behaves normally then the resulting data will be valid.
  • Observation often involves sitting back and letting things take their ususal course and can be very effective. In one of the most influential participant observation studies, 'Street Corner Society,' Whyte stated 'As I sat and listened and I learnt the answers to the questions that i would not have had the sense to ask.'
  • The data recordswhat actually happens as the method does not rely on the respondents answering questions honestly.

Problems of covert participant observation:

  • A practical problem for researchers using participant observation is that the researcher has to rely on their memory of events and who said…


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