
  • Created by: ash8642
  • Created on: 24-10-18 13:41



  • First-hand knowledge - Validity
  • Natural behaviour with covert observation - Validity
  • Viewpoint of the respondent - Verstehen/Validity


  • People may change their behaviour - Hawthorne Effect/Decrease validity
  • Covert observation lacks informed consent - Ethics
  • Long time to carry out - Access
  • Researcher could be put in harm's way - Ethics


Observations, especially covert, are high in validity. This is because the researcher is collecting first-hand knowledge about the group they are observing; the researcher is not relying on anyone but themselves to collect the data they need (e.g. no one needs to remember any memories). In addition to this, covert observation allows the group to act naturally as they are not aware that they are being watched. This increases the validity because the evidence collected is a more accurate representation. On the other hand, covert and participant observation have ethical issues to them. Covert observation is unethical because it does not gain informed consent from the group being watched due to the fact that the group is unaware that they are being observed. Participant observation carries the issue of the researcher being in danger as it is often gangs that researchers participate in. This is the case as it is often the only way to carry out valuable research on gangs, but participation would mean that the researcher would have to take part in the same violent acts as the gang.


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