Contribution to wartime conferences


Contribution to international wartime conferences

Out of the 'big three' leaders, Churchill made the greatest commitment to the conferences. In total he attended 16 international wartime conferences, this demonstrates his intention fro Britiain to be at the forefront of all decision making during the war. 

The key contrubtions were at:

  • Atlantic Conference- January 1941 - (Atlantic Charter)
  • First Washington Conference-  December 1941 - (Europe First)
  • Second Washington Conference- June 1942 - (North Africa) 
  • Second Moscow Conference- August 1942 - (North Africa not cross-channel)
  • Casablanca Conference- January 1943 - (Italian Campaign)
  • Quebec Conference- August 1943 - (D-day)
  • Tehran Conference- November 1943 - (Operation Overlord date)
  • Fourth Moscow Conference- October 1944 - (Spheres


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