Constitution of the US


Constitution revision

Diversity in the US

-Its size brings with it the need for decentralisation, for the federal government established by the founding fathers in 1787

-Laws differ between states; elections, crimes and punishments.

-Conservative south; (Bible belt) Texas to Virginia.

-Liberal Northeast; Massachusetts and Rhode Island.

-Liberal leaning west coast; California cities of LA and San Francisco.



1776; The 13 colonies on the eastern seaboard of North America declared their independence for Great Britain. In the Declaration of Independence.

1776-83; The war of independence between the former colonies and Great Britain.

1781; The independent colonies decided to establish a confederacy a loose association of states in which almost all political power rests with the individual states - by the Articles of Confederation 1781      


Articles of confederation; The compact made between the 13 original states that formed the basis for their government form 1781 until it was replaced by the constitution.

Confederacy; A league of independent states in which the central government lacks significant powers and resembles more an international organisation, such as the United Nations, than a traditional national government.


Philadelphia convention;

  25th May 1787

  Delegates form all 13 states were invited

  55 of the 74 invited turned up

  Rhode Island sent no delegates. They were fearful that the hard-won gains of the War of Independence would be lost.

  It was presided over by George Washington

  James Madison, Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton were present.

  The stated purpose of the convention was to revise the Articles of Confederation, but they decided to scrap them and write a new constitution.

  Divisions arose between small and large (Virginia had the largest population) states.

  The Virginia plan set out the wishes of the large population states.

  The New Jersey plan set out those of the small population states,

  The Connecticut Compromise (often called the 'great compromise) provided the basis of agreement.

  The new constitution was written by 55 delegates who became known as the 'Founding Fathers'.

  17th September 1787, it was completed.

  Gave America a codified constitution; A constitution that consists of a full and authorative set of rules written down in a single text.


Article 1

-'All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representative'

-Established that the congress was to be made up of two chambers

-Laid down methods of election

-Terms of office

-Their powers, Section 8; Lay and collect taxes, coin money and declare war.

-Provide for the common defense  and general welfare of the US

-'Make all laws necessary and proper' (elastic clause)

Article 2

'The executive power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America'

-Methods of election

-Terms of office


-Chosen indirectly by an Electoral College

Article 3





thanks these notes are wicked! :D you've made my revision some much easier! :)



I love you. 

John R Bissett


These are brief revision notes.

These are not in depth