Attachment - intro



Attatchment: a strong emotional relationship between infant care giver

Securely attached: desire to be close to primary caregiver, show distress when seperated, pleasure when reunited 

Reciprocity: interaction flows back and forth between caregiver and infact 'behaviour that elicits a response' //Melzoff and Moore: baby's react to lip, tounge protrusion, hamd wavew and open mouht. Strangersvasked to state what baby did on video.

Interactional Synchrony: infants react in time with care-giver //Condon and Sander provide evidence for concept- babies move in time to adult conversations 

Stages of Attatchment:

  • Pre-attachment (asocial): 0-3 months, seperate people from objects but no career preference
  • Indiscriminate attatchment: 6 weeks - seven months, infant distinguisges caregivers, smiles more at poeple it knows than strangers 
  • Discriminate attctchment: 7-11 months, forms


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