Wuthering Heights Quotes

Quotes to remember for wuthering heights on love, revenge, the supernatural etc.



"Come in! come in!"  "Cathy do come, Oh do- Once more! Oh my hearts darling, hear me this time, catherine at last!"


All Heathcliff has wanted was to have Cathy haunt him, this quote p[roves Heathcliff's desperation for Catherine and how ultimately even through death this drives him on.

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"She was much to fond of Heathcliff. The greatest punishment we would invent for him was to keep her seperate from him. Yet she got Chided more than any of us on his account."

This quote proves the volatile relationship between Cathy and Heathcliff, she both loves and loathes him at the same time, yet she cannot stand to be without him. For catherine and Heathcliff Love and punishment will always intermingle.

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"There will be no saving him, hes doomed and flies to his fate!"

Edgar shares a masochistic attraction for drama, and has this attraction for cathy where there will be no escape, he is trapped in his love for her.

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"He is more myself than i am"

"It would degrade me to marry Heathcliff now".

"Lintons is as different as a moonbeam from lightening, frost from fire."

Catherine see's Heathcliff as beaneath her now, and although Heathcliff is at one with her soul, she cannot degrade herself now to be with him.

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"He couldnt love as much in eighty years as i could in a day."

Heathcliff knows that edgar is incapable of loving catherine as he is, he could not with all his "puny being" love her with the same all consuming passion as Heathcliff could.

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