Urbanisation In Lidcs

  • Created by: idk123123
  • Created on: 30-01-18 21:12

Urbanisation in LIDCs

Urbanisation in LIDCs- caused by rural-urban migration and internal growth

Rural-Urban migration is the movement of people from countryside to urban areas caused push and pull factors

Push factors

  • Natural disasters such as flood can cause damage to property and so they won't be able to repair the damage.
  • war can cause people to flee from their homes
  • Drought may occur and as people rely on subsistence farming, it won't longer support them

Pull factors of Urban areas

  • There are are more jobs that are highly paid 
  • There is better health care and education
  • People believe there is a better quality of life
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Urbanisation in LIDCs

Urbanisation is also caused by Internal growth  (When they are higher birth rates then death)

  • Usually young people move to urban areas and so replicate causing the population to increase
  • Since there is better healthcare the death rates are low and the birth rates become high 

Rapid Urbanisation can cause problems

Economic Consequences

  • Not enough jobs for everyone leading to high levels of unemployment
  • Others may not be able to get access to education and so won't be able to develop the skills needed for better paying jobs

Social Consequences

  • Since alot of people move to the area, there won't be enough houses leading to overcrowded streets- This will lead to high levels of crime
  • Infrastructure cannot be build fast enough and so people will not be able to access basic neccessities
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