
A process where an increasing proportion of the population lives in towns and cities. The two main factors that cause urbanisation are: rural --> urban migration and natural increase in population.
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Rural --> Urban Migration
A process in which people move from the countryside to the towns and cities.
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Rural Push Factors
-Not as many job opportunities -Poor infrastructure -Poor transport links - Natural disasters will have more of an impact -Not as good healthcare options -Less sheltered from the weather -Conflict and war can cause people to flee their homes
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City Pull Factors
-Lots of housing -Populated -Good transport links -Good healthcare -Education opportunities -Good entertainment -More and higher paid jobs
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Natural Increase
A process resulting from rural --> urban migration. A high proportion of young adults migrating into a town results in high levels of birth. There are falling death rates due to improved medical care. More babies are born than people dying.
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Economic Consequences (LIDCs)
Not enough jobs for everyone, increasing levels of unemployment. Lots work in the informal sector, working long hours in dangerous conditions for little pay. People may not have access to education so don't have the skills to get a better job.
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Social Consequences (LIDCs)
There aren't enough houses for everyone, so many end up living in slums. Infrastructure can't be built fast enough, so people often don't have access to basic services e.g clean water which causes poor health. There can also be high crime levels.
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Environmental Consequences (LIDCs)
Rubbish often isn't collected so it ends up in big heaps which damages the environment. Toxic sewage can get into rivers, harming wildlife. The road system may not be able cope with the amount of vehicles, which increases air pollution.
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Card 2


A process in which people move from the countryside to the towns and cities.


Rural --> Urban Migration

Card 3


-Not as many job opportunities -Poor infrastructure -Poor transport links - Natural disasters will have more of an impact -Not as good healthcare options -Less sheltered from the weather -Conflict and war can cause people to flee their homes


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Card 4


-Lots of housing -Populated -Good transport links -Good healthcare -Education opportunities -Good entertainment -More and higher paid jobs


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Card 5


A process resulting from rural --> urban migration. A high proportion of young adults migrating into a town results in high levels of birth. There are falling death rates due to improved medical care. More babies are born than people dying.


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