urban features flash cards

These are key ideas in this topic, no case studies in this source

  • Created by: liv.liv
  • Created on: 04-06-22 12:12
what is urbanisation?
Urbanisation is the increase in people living in urban areas, like cities, compared to people living in rural areas, like the country side.
1 of 14
what is internal growth?
internal growth is when there is a higher birth rate then death rate in an area.
2 of 14
what is the order of the settlement hierarchy?
(settlements increase in size but decrease in frequency as you go up)
isolated dwelling - hamlet - village - small town - big town - city - conurbation
3 of 14
what is a megacitie?
a city with a population over 10 million
4 of 14
what is a world city?
a city considered to be an important hub in the global economic system
5 of 14
what are characteristics of a world city?
- headquarters of multinational companies
- a center for innovation in business
- a center for media, technology and communications
- major center for manufacturing
- important port facilities
- financial services, stock exchange...
- highly rated univ
6 of 14
What are pull and push factors for urbanisation?
(rural to urban)
- employment other than agricultural work
- low wages
- rural areas have fewer services, like hospitals
- poorer infrastructure
- more employment opportunities
- more and better services, like schools
- prestige from a city location
- storie
7 of 14
what are the consequences of rapid internal growth in LIDCs?
- infrastructure cannot cope with the demand causing congestion, traffic and poor air quality
- building of slums due to lack of affordable housing in a city
- expanding of the informal sector
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what is suburbanisation?
suburbanisation is the movement of people from city centers to the outer city (suburbs)
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what is informal housing?
informal housing is built on land which does not belong to those who are building it, often it is land than is unfit for housing
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what is counter-urbanisation?
counter-urbanisation is the movement of people from urban areas, like cities, back into rural areas, like the country side
11 of 14
what are pull and push factors for counter-urbanisation?
- traffic congestion
- high cost of living
- poor air quality
- crime
- dream of rural idyll
- gardens and bigger houses
- more greenery and wildlife
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what are disadvantages of counter-urbanisation?
counter-urbanisation can cause dormitory villages where locals commute to work in the city. This can lead to high house prices and the loss of the high street
13 of 14
what is re-urbanisation?
people moving back from rural areas, like the country side, to urban areas, like cities
14 of 14

Other cards in this set

Card 2


what is internal growth?


internal growth is when there is a higher birth rate then death rate in an area.

Card 3


what is the order of the settlement hierarchy?
(settlements increase in size but decrease in frequency as you go up)


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is a megacitie?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what is a world city?


Preview of the front of card 5
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