Training and supporting users - ICT




In any organisation it is necessary to train users. This is so that they have the knowledge and skill of doing their job properly. Employees who bring training are most like to expirience better job satisfaction.

It is important to support users when they are doing their job in order to help them over come problems and diffficulties they encounter.

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Internal and External users

Most of the training work that is carried out by the organisation will be for internal users. However there may be occasions were the training is necessary for external users who interact with the organisation, E.G) a supplier logging on to the organisations extranet.

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Types of Training

When a new employee joins an organisation they will normaly have induction training. One of the main parts of this training will be about the organisations ICT policies and procedures and how important it is to fallow them.

They will also have task based training, this is to show how to carry out spacific tasks that is required of them.

For operational level users, task based training may be all that is required to carry out spacific, daily tasks, such as learning how to use the electronic point of sale terminal in a supermarket.

Retraining may be necessary if the task changes, for example when a new system is introduced.

Training of external users is likely to be a task rather than skill-based.

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Types of Training

Training is also an important part of staff development and skills- based training will be a part of this. If a person is trained to set up a spreadsheet they can use those skills in a viriaty of ways to cary out a viriety of tasks.

Skill based training tends to apply most as the tactical level of the organisation, E.G) A maneger who needs to present the result of data analysis in the most effective way.

It is not always advisable to carry out training in one block. it is better to start with some ontroductory training and fallow it up with furthure training at intervals and gradually building on the tasks that users can undertake without confusing them or attempting too much at once.  

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Possible training path for a new employee

Introduction training

  • Company procedures
  • Logging client calls

Task- Based Training

  • Basic job skills
  • Using knowledge base

Skills - Based Training

  • Improving customer service
  • Leading a support team
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Training Methods

In a large supermarket there may be part time and full time shop floor workers or customer service assistajts for who tends to be quit a rapid turnover of staff. It may not be financially viable to invest a large amount of training part time staff who may not  stay in the job for very long.

On the other hand training employees may improve staff retension by improving job satisfaction.

Some organisations insist on a minemum length of contract as a condition of providing expensive training.

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Jane Mott


Useful but could the typos be corrected? 

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