Theme 2


Upper River

Valley Shape - V-shaped

Gradient of valley floor - steep

Channel width - narrow/fills valley floor

Channel depth - shallow, over rocky bed

Volume of water - Relatively low, 6000 litres per second

Load description - large bedload, angular shape, relatively small amount

Main processes - vertical erosion

Landforms - waterfalls, gorges, potholes

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Middle River

Valley shape - less steep sides

Gradient of valley floor - gentler

Channel width - deeper over gravely bed

Volume of water - greater, 60,000 litres per second

Load description - bedload is smaller than upper river, much suspened load, rounded shape because the rocks have been smoothed out as they hit the river bank, increasing load amount

Main processes - lateral, erosion, transport, deposition

Landforms - floodplain, meanders

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Lower River

Valley shape - very gentle sides

Gradient of valley floor - almost flat

Channel width - very wide

Channel depth - deeper still, over smooth clay bed

Volume of water - greater, 100,000 litres per second

Load description - mostly fine clay, rounded shape, increasing load amount

Main processes - transport, deposition

Landforms - wider floodplain, larger meanders, ox bow lakes

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