Tennyson poetry.

Section A, part A- A02.




Form-8 stanzas-12 lines each. First 8 lines are static description, last 4 are repeated spoken refrain. It is an unknown narrator.

Structure-Iambic tetrameter throughout with the exception of lines 10 and 12 whihc are iambic trimeter- an expression of her feelings. Rhym is ABABCDDCEFEF. The time is slow due to the lack of enjambment . There is a repeated refrain the voice of the narrator- Voices in the story.

Language- Static description thought- relefection of life.Makes the reader overlook her, she is not important. 'poplar' the only feature of landscape- scenes and places. No action in the poem nothing happens, she wishes to die. Emphasis on adjectives, she is the objects. personififcation of the grange is a reflection on her - she has been abdondoned- character. Deppresion, no connection with the outside world. Representation of time 'my life', 'the night', 'the day' 'I' nothing changes for her. Anaphoric 'old' ehances a sense of loss. The last stanza the refrain changes,shows that she has given up hope- destination.
































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The Lady of Shalott

A02 Form- part 1 introduces the setting and context,- scenes 4 stanzas, part 2 takes us inside and descrives her activities 4 stanzas, part 3 introduces Lancelto and her curse/downfall 5 stanzas, part 4 she leaves and dies 6 stanzas. Uknown narrator. Structure- Rhyme AAAABCCCB contributes to a felling of statis nothing changes for her. Rhymes of A and C are iambic tretrameter, but B are iambic trimeter. p.o.v- parts 1 & 2 are the lady a seen from the outside world. 3 & 4 are the outsilde world seen by the lady. part 3- summer all comes to fruition. part 4- autumn a time of decay/death- time. Language- A sense of mystery and elusiveness 'whispering'. Repetition of 'four gray' gives us sense of imprisonment. rhyming of Camelot and Shallot joins them together. Juxtapostion of funeral/wedding shoes her distance from human realationships. -character. Lancelot- use of similes to describe him are bold, he cannot be igore, strong O vowel marks entry- character. 'the mirror crack'd- she has lost her art/comfort/ end of isolation- destination. pathetic fallacy- the change in weater a sense of forevoding. Lady is 'snowy-white'- character. Unending rhyme scheme create chant-like effect. Lack of detail on what she thinks and create denies the reader access to her world- Voice in story.

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Lotos-Eater and Choric Song


Form- Lotos Eaters- 5 stanzas- 9 lines. Chronic song- 8 uneven stanzas.

Structure- LE marrative rhyme is tigh ABABBCBCC as opposed to the loose ryhme scheme of the 'Choric Song'- emphasis one the sesne of detachement and the effect of the lotos flowe. CS stanza alternate between expresseions of delight and their rejection of their past lives of toil and strife- character. Odd numbered stanzas of CS emphasiss the effect of the lotos and cessation of activity.

Language- LS lazy ryhyme introduces the laguid feel to the poem. Use of more words slow times down- time. stanza 2 uses use siblilance throughout mimicking the slow languid sound of the waterfall- scenes. Repition of the word 'seeming' a sense of a waking in a dream/drug induced haze. 'We' they speak as one. Voices. CS stanza 1 has long vowel sounds 'ay and 'ee' to replicate the music that is being described. Final 3 line suggest weariness-destination. Stanza 4 of CS plosive sounds/stops (b,p,t) and caesura shorrt choppy phrases all suggest agitation- character/desintation. poem ends without closure, they are caught between the poles of duty and pleaure.

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