
  • Created by: anna
  • Created on: 12-05-17 21:14

Saroglau (2011) 4 universal dimensions of religiou

Believing: belief in external transcendence of any kind. People want meaning in life and want reasons for existence. Belief in various personal Gods or impersonal forces.

Bonding: religion provides people with emotions/hope. Religious experiences bond individuals with others and inner self. Tends to occur within rituals. Provides an emotional experience. 

Behaving: religion prescribes moral norms/behaviour. Defines wrong and right and gives moral guidance. Emphasises what taboo behaviour is. Individuals then conform to the religious norms and perform altruistic behaviour that is selfless and voluntary. 

Belonging: humans have an innate need to belong, want to feel a part of a group/community. The need to belong helps us to survive as it is an evolved need. Religious communities foster a sense of social identity and belonging and offer a social support system/ religious worship, praying together gives a sense of belonging and effects positively on well being and survival. 

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