The Ancient Greeks

What did Richards (2002) cite about Ebbinghaus?
PSychology has a short history but a long past
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What was Thales' physics?
Whilst the world is made up of many different substances there is in reality only one element - water (phusis)
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Followers of thales searching for the single universal element were called what?
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What were thales claims?
A radical step away from supernatural explanations of the world and the stuff of which it is made to a more naturalistic explanation
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This kind of naturalism is fundamental to what?
Modern science which eschews any claims to supernaturalism
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What is the dualism in psychology?
Between the mind and matter
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What did Miletus dispute?
water was the phusis
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What did Miletus suggest?
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What is Apeiron?
Which is not a recognisable element but was the basic building block of matter
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What was Thales considered as?
One of the seven sages
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What did Miletus suggest?
Introduced early theories of evolution,
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What did Miletus observe about human babies?
They are fragile, they require prolonged nursing, he infered from this observation that human beings' original primeval form must have be more quickly independent as most animal infants are
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What did Xenophanes say?
Olympian Gods were anthropomorphic constructions behaving like human beings: lying, stealing, murdering and philandering
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Xenophanes said that if animals had gods what would they do?
Make them in their own images, inventing a lion god, cat dog, dog god and so forth
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What did Parmenides assert?
Underlying permanent reality of the universe was an unchanging IT, pure being
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What is being?
It is saying that life exists changelessly apart from the changing physical world, anything that changed would be an illusion of the human mind, nothing really changes
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The existence of pure being suggests that there are what? that we should search for?
Truths and values that exist beyond humanity
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Heraclitus suggested that the only reality in the universe is what?
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For example?
You can't step in the same river twice, the odds are that over a 10 year period none of the molecules in our bodies will be the same
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What is becoming?
fundamental to the working of the universe
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At this time this conflict was made clear that what 2 things were not the same?
Appearance and reality
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What did Paremindes believe?
Appearance is change and reality is being
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What did Heraclitus believe?
Appearance is being and reality is change
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Who was one of the atomists?
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What did Democritus say?
There is no free will since there is no will to direct the atoms, nothing happens at random, it happens out of the reason and necessity
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What philosophical position is this?
Combines both materialism and determinism
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What was the quote that atomists say?
There is no soul, no will that can be free, there is only material (atoms) that operates in lawful ways. Finding those laws becomes essential in understanding the universe and ourseves
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What does this lead to?
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What is hedonism?
The pursuit of pleasure and avoidance of pain as the only good
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What was the Polis?
Politics, A greek city state, a small, independent government consisting of a single city and its immediate environs
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What were the 3 reasons?
Some were democracies in which every male citizen voted on every govenement action, aristocratic families cooperated and shared powers, some were dictatorships in which a single military leader came to power
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What were the two moth influential city states?
Athens and Sparta
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What was the Peloponnesian war?
A civil war between Sparta and Athens, eventually won by Sparta but weakened Greeve that eventually its conquests was achieved Philip of Macedon and his son alexander the great
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What are the Sophists?
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how did they operate?
In the Athenian polis to teach and practice the rhetoric (art of persuasion)
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The Sophists had no clear what?
Philosophial position leahey (2004) suggests that fundamentally they were humanists
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What is humanism seen as?
Relativist empiricism
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The search for the phusis is not what?
Truth in a practical way
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What is pragmatic truth?
To be found not in some possible external reality but rather truth lies in how things appear to us humans
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What do different people do?
make different sensory judgements, perceive things differently. Each is truthful to the perceiver and no hidden reality is required
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What is socrates?
Though not a sophist, the humanism implicit in sophist thinking lead socrates to focus on the nature of human truths. Why does Justice, courage, beauty, goodness matter to us?
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If all human values are good, what does we ask about them?
What do they have in common
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What did Socrates claim?
They did not claim to know the answers to these questions but rather lived in a state of enlightened ignorance
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What is enlightened ignorance?
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What did Socrates believe?
Essence everyone possesses moral truth
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How did Socrates die?
Socrates superior intellect made the prominent Athenians he publicly questioned looked foolish, turning them against him and lead to accusations of wrong doings
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What was socrates accused of?
Offending the God, Athena, and corrupting the youth of Athens, this made the Athens to question the morality of the war and soon made their elders annoyed.
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What was Socrates condemed to?
Death by Hemlock
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What does Hemlock contain?
Coniine which is a neurotoxin that disrupts the workings of the central nervous systems leading to respiratory failure
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what did Plato introduce?
the inductive method, that the same observation can be made over and over again, falls prey to Plato's observation that what seems true today may well seem false tomorrow
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What is knowledge?
True if an only if it is true in all times and all places, knowledge has to be rationally justifiable
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What did plate appeal to?
Forms, idealised, eternally existing perfect exemplers
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He developed the theory of forms, what does this state?
Plato developed a framework of human behaviour as he attempted to learn and study how humans reason and how impulses are developed
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What is ideal forms?
Form belongs to the realm of being, the form of a cat is an idealised cat
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A particular cat is an ephemeral, temporary copy of its form and what?
It belongs to the realm of becoming
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What did Plato believe?
Happiness and Virtue (eudaemonia) are instrinsically features of human motivation. We seek happiness through virtuous action
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What did Socrates believe in?
Bad behaviour was a product of mistaken or absent beliefs, Plato viewed it as failure of the individual rational soul to master the desiring soul
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What is the reason?
Cognitive processes that direct our behaviour is divided from irrational passions and desires
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What did Stoics attempt?
to eradicate emotions and to live by logic alone
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What did Freud view?
The rational ego as attempting to control the passionate id
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What did Aristotle spend 20 years doing?
Studying with Plato in the Latter's Academy
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What did Aristotle look at?
The world defined what is and not to Platonic Forms
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What did he distinguish between?
Forms and matter,
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For example?
A bronze statue form is what it actually is (A statue of winston churchill), A bronze Statue's matter is the material it is made of, i.e. the bronze itself
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A form is defined by what?
Essential, efficient, final
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What is essential?
What it actually is
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how it came to be
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The purpose for which it exists
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What did Aristotle reject?
The separability of the soul and the body, A body without a soul is dead, a soul without a body does not exist
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What are the three forms of sould in Aristotle's naturalism?
Nutritive (plants), sensitive (Animals), Rational (Humans
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What does Knowledge do?
Directs the rational soul, is acquired through the perception of individual objets until a generalised universal form is attained
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What are the special senses?
Vision, hearing, touch, taste, smell
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What does this lead to?
Common sense (imagination, memory)
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What does this lead to?
Passive mind then active mind
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What is Ataraxia?
A form of happiness
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What is a lesser form of happiness?
Eduaemonia, and emphasised what was personally rather than socially achievable
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What is the first happiness therapy?
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What is Epicureanism?
Happiness was to be found by avoiding the passions and by living a simple life in the company of like minded other, but avoiding dependence on others
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What is cynicism?
happiness can be found by living outside worldly conventions but as naturally as possible. Diogenes 'the dog' was the most famous of the cynics
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What is skepticism?
If you do not belief anything strongly then you avoid the upset of finding out that you are wrong, A thoughtful state of aporia was recomended
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What is stoicism?
A combination of absolute determinism and a complete expulsion of an emotional life. Feeling unhappy about an unavoidable fate is within our control and a little ridiculous
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What was Thales' physics?


Whilst the world is made up of many different substances there is in reality only one element - water (phusis)

Card 3


Followers of thales searching for the single universal element were called what?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What were thales claims?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


This kind of naturalism is fundamental to what?


Preview of the front of card 5
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