Sociology Unit 1 Question types



Item A

30%- Male biology 70%- Female

65%- Male P.E  35%- Female

From item A what percentage of male students picked biology for A-levels (1 Mark) Pick out relevant information from the Item.


Identify two reasons for an increase in divorce rates (2 Marks) Briefly state two reasons.

Society has become more secular so religous beliefs on marriage have began to disappear. Women have become more economcally independant so there is less reliance on men for support.

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Outline and Explain

Outline one advantage and disadvantage of postal questionnaires (2 Marks) Give a short description of an advantage and disadvantage.

Advantage- No one there to pressure you into being untruthful

Disadvantage- People may not reply to the questionnaire

Explain what sociologists mean by agencies of social control (4 Marks) Define the term clearly and give examples to support your definition

Agents are groups of people while social is scoiety and control is to be able to influence peoples behaviour. So, agencies of social control are groups that control society. An example of this is the police as they control what we can and cannot do, if we break the law they step in to enforce it and arrest people who break the law. They regulate the law in order to stop people from breaking the laws set by the government.

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Describe... and explain why

Describe one factor which may effect educational achievement and explain why this may occur  (5 Marks) Give both a description and an explaination; breifly outline one factor/way (describe) and then discuss the possible reasons why (Explain why) these changes may have occured

Ethnicity may effect educational achievement as certain ethinic groups may push their children due to their culture viewing education very highly. This push may lead to more academic success as the children are highly influenced by their parents beliefs and value, so their culture could effect academic achievement. This may have occured as parents of certain ethnicites may be able to see the benefits of higher levels of education. This may have occured due to seeing the higher value of education and seeing many people benefitting from good education.

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Identify... and explain why....

Identify one secondary source of information that you would use in your study and explain why you would use this source (4 Marks) State breifly (identify) and develop your answer by discussing the reasons why (Explain why).

A consenus could be used as the government helps to set up the research in order to get all of the information. The government will try to get as much information as possible because he would want to know certain statistics on the population in order to make new laws or support systems.This would be useful as they could figure out how to create new social policies. This would be very reliable as the government has taken the research out.

Identify one primary method of research that you would use in your study and explain why this method would be better than another primary method for collecting you need. (6 Marks) State which primary method you would use in a given study. Discuss the resons why this method is better than ab alternative method. Remeber to take into account the focus of the study.

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Discuss how far sociologists would agree...

Discuss how far sociologist would agree that gender has the most significant influence on childens educational achievement (12 Markers) Put forward relevant arguments in favour of the statement for discussion, drawing on sociological explanations, concepts and evidence. Put forward arguments against the statement for discussion. Come to a clear conclusion which directly adresses the issue 'how far'.

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