Religious Education, Year eleven.

This unit is about believing in God.


Believing in God, Unit 3.1

Agnosticism- not being sure wheather God exists

Atheism- believing that God does not exist

Conversion- when your life is changed by giving yourself to God

Free Will- the idea that human beings are free to make their own choices

Miracle- something which seems to break a law of science and makes you think only God could have done it

Moral Evil- actions done by humans which cause suffering

Natural Evil- things which cause suffering but have nothing to do with humans

Numinous- the feeling of the presence of something greater than you

Omni-benevolent- the belief that God is all-good

Omnipotent- the belief that God is all-powerful

Omniscient- the belief that God knows everything that has happened and everything that is going to happen

Prayer- an attempt to contact God, usually through words

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