Rational Recreation- Post industrial Britain



1. Purpose Built Facilities- This was a technological advancement which then allowed facillities to be built for sports this was also due to written rules being developed which meant that purpose facilities had to be built.

2.Regional/National/International- Improved transport such a the railways which meant that people could travel to play sports as well as to spectate sports.

3. Codification- Buisness and administration skills/ ex public school boys this meant that the rules could become written as they had been educated.

4.Respectable- Middle Class influence which means that it was no longer a cruel and violent. A three class system had developed. The cruel and violoent games such as bear hunting stopped.

5. Regular- Increased free time and improved transport which meant that people could travel around the country, workers now got a half day on a staurday which meant that they had more time to watch and spectate sports.

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6. Exculisive/elitist- Social class and gender discrimination; as you wouldnt find the lower class playing some sports such as lwan tennis

7. Urban/Suburban- The industrial revolution meant that factories were built and things were based around were they work

8. Amateurism to Professionalism- Class structure and spectatorism, this meant that certain people may have been paid for playing the sport.

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The Transport Revolution

Improved transport and communications meant that people were able to participate and spectate. One method of transport that developed was the railway this was a cheap way to travel across the country for further distances this was where leagues could be developed as teams could play each other on a national scale. This was a fair were most people could afford to pay.

Other methods of transport was cannals and road transport however this was still slow and air transport had yet to be developed. So this meant that the railways were the main transportation as it allowed you to acess al over the country.

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The Three Class System

In rational recreation during post idustrial britain the three class system has been developed which means that status of people changed and developed. Your class determined income,housing,lifestyle and sporting opportunities.

Upper Class- The upper class boys went to public schools where the received a high level of education before moving on to universities such as oxbridge before moving into influential jobs for example army officers. They lived in large houses in big cities for example London and in the winter they would move aboard.

Middle Class- This was then sub-dived into the upper middle and the lower middle class. The boys in this class went to public schools, propiretary college or grammar schools, they would then move onto university, business training, they would then move into the management positions and lived in large houses however they were in the suburbs, for the middle class a commmon holiday would be going by the sea or possibly aboard.

Lower Class- There children went to state schools and they would work from an early age for a low wage they often lived in cramped housing and they wouldnt go on holidays; they may go to attractions for example association football to spectate(the people game).

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Free time

Free time within post industrial britain increased as did opportunity, provision and esteem. At the beginning of the 19th century the average working week was 72 hours  but the early closing movement sought to reduce the working hours per week particularly in shops, the reason for this movement is that they thought that execessive working hours were what was damaging the health and well-being of workers. By the end of the 19th Century this movement had passed and the average working week was around 52 hours this mean that people had more chance to participate in sport.

During the 19th century there was also the half day on the saturday this meant that there was more opportunity to play or spectate with sport as all the factories finished early on a saturday.

A weeks paid holiday was also introduced by the end of the 19th century which allows the people to have increased free time to participate in physical activity. The wage had also increased which allowed poeple to travel on the third class railways.

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