Psychodynamic approach AO3


Evidence (strength)

- There is evidence to support the role of the unconscious mind.

- Hans (5) developed a fear of horses after seeing one collapse. Freud suggested that his phobia was a form of displacement in which he repressed fear of his father was transferred onto horses. Horses were a symbolic representation of Han's real unconscious fear: Fear of castration. 

- Link: This supports several of Freud's key proposals e.g. the influence of unconscious anxieties and conflicts on behavior and the existence and impact of defense mechanisms. 

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Methodological problems (weakness)

- This makes the approach less effective as a theory and therefore less credible. 

- Freud's theory is unscientific as the concepts are abstract and not easily measurable. Science needs theories to be open to observation and can be repeated by someone else in order to be reliable.

- Link: This means that as the theory is less credible it, therefore, lacks validity. 

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Alternative theories (weakness)

- Freud's theory doesn't explain development into adulthood so appears limited as an explanation for development.

- Erikson's psychodynamic theory, which is a whole life theory, says that we carry on developing into old age and experience meaningful events like mid-life crises. Emphasizes unconscious and social aspects of development from birth to death.

- Link: This implies that Freud's theory neglects lifelong development, as as such can be seen as reductionist. 

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Contradicting evidence (weakness)

- Malinowski's research suggests that Freud's theory may be reductionist in assuming any deviation from psychosexual stages will result in 'abnormal' gender. 

- He studied islanders where boys are not brought up by their fathers. This should mean they don't resolve their Oedipus complex as their family structure is different, however, the boys develop normally.

- Link: This is a problem because it suggests Freud's ideas are theoretically flawed as it doesn't consider these inconsistencies. 

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Practical applications (strength)

- Used to successfully treat people suffering from a wide variety of disorders. 

- Psychoanalysis is used worldwide to successfully treat many individuals through 'talking therapy. Some advantages of this are there are no side effects like those found in medication, and some say it addresses the real cause of the disorder. 

- Link: This is good because it could help reduce huge amounts of distress experienced by many with mental health conditions. 

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