Physics Test - Electricity

  • Created by: Charlet
  • Created on: 15-03-13 07:45

Electrical circuits

Charge and Current

  • when there is a complete closed circuit, an electric current will flow

Current-rate of flow of charge (how fast the charge flows)

  • current is measured in amperes (A) using an ammeter
  • the electrons in the circuit are attracted to the positive terminal of the battery.  However, conventional current flows from positive to negative

Types of circuits

  • in parallel circuits, components are connected across each other
  • in series circuits, components are next to each other
  • the unit of electric charge is coulomb (C)

Electric current = electric charge / time


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Electrical circuits 2


  • voltmeter measures the amount of energy transferred in a component
  • the voltage(potential difference) is measure in volts

Potential difference = energy / charge


Try this  out:

A cell has a potential difference of 1.5 V.

What is meant by the term 'potential difference'

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Electrical power

Calculating power

  • Electrical power is the rate of energy transfer
  • It's measured in watts (W)

power = energy transferred / time

W=J/s or P=E/t


The energy used by an appliance can be calculated: energy=power x time (J=Wxs)

1 kilowatt-hour is the nergy used by a 1 kW appliance in 1 hour.

energy (kWh) = power (kW) x time (h)

Cost of electricity is calculated using the equation below:

cost (p) = power (kW) x time (h) x cost per kWh (p/kWh)

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Energy resources

 Fossil fuels and nuclear fuel are non-renewable resources because they cannot be replaced and will eventually run out.

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Energy resources 2

Renewable energy sources

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