Philosophy -Religion war and peace.

  • Created by: mollyhgs
  • Created on: 02-05-15 11:24

Keywords 1

Peace - An absence of conflict leading to happines and harmony.

Justice - Bringing about what is right and fair according to the law and making up for a wrong.

Sancitiy of life - Life is sacred as it is god given

Pacifism - The belief of people who refuse to take park in war or violence.

Just War - A war that the cristian community defines as acceptable according to a criteria.

Holy war - Fighting for a religous causeor God.

Refugees - People who flee their homes to seek safety.

United Nations - An organisation set up at the end of WW2 to prevent war by discussion.

NATO - An allience formed to prevent war in Europe.

Weapons of Mass Destruction - Modern weapons which have the capability to kill or injure large numbers of people

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Wars and Types of war

Wars in the last 100 years.

  • Cold War
  • WW1
  • WW2
  • Vietmeanese War
  • Civil War
  • Afganistan

Types of War

  • War between nations - different countries eg. WW1 and WW2
  • Civil war - between the same country eg. Vietnam war
  • War against terrorism eg. Afganistan
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WW1 - Between nations

WW2 - Between nations

Vietnam War - Civil war

Falklands Conflict - Between nations

Tibet - Between Nations

Afganistan/Iraq war - Against Terrorism

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Causes of war

  • Defence against an Invader
  • Defence of Religous freedom
  • To defend an weaker nation
  • To prevent expected attacks
  • To gain Land or Reasources
  • To remove an unjust leader
  • To end injustice such as genocide

Biological warfare - using bacteria or viruses to cause people to become ill or die.

Chemical Warfare - using things such as choking, burning or gasing,

Nuclear Warfare - Using nuclear weapond which can provide radioactive fallout

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  • The belief that all violence is wrong
  • People wo believe is Pacifism include Quakers, Buddhists, Dalai Lama and MLK jr.


  • Oppose to all war and violent conduct
  • They believe in the sancity of life
  • They believe that peace can be achieved in non violent methods
  • They are often Conscientious objectors
  • Not all pacifists are religous beleviers

Conscientious objectors

  • People who refuse to directly fight on moral grounds
  • Killing is against their conscience, Their inner feeling of right and wrong
  • They will assist in non-millitary ways such as medics are releif work.
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Leaders and the UN

The Dalai Lama

He attempted to bring peace by giving speeches, He was borm in 1935 in Tibet. He also atarted street marches. He refused violence. In 1989 he was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize.

The aims of the UN

  • Mantain peace and security
  • Develop friendships between nations
  • To solve economic, social and cultral international problems
  • Promote respect and freedom and human rights
  • To protect society
  • It was set up after WW2 to promote world peace
  • The UN can directly intevene with confilct.

NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation)

Created in 1949. It is a military allience. Includes 26 european countries with the USA and Canada. All countries involves agree to work together for common goals. If the Uk gets attacked NATO countries will protect us. It contributes to world peace.

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Peacekeeping forces are:

  • organisations taht work to create world peace
  • They are different to charities as they promote cooperation between countries
  • They aim to promote international law, security, economic and socail progress.
  • They do this through dialogue and creating treaties
  • They include UN and NATO

What they do:

  • Protect human rights in confilct zones
  • Try and end Human rights abuse
  • Support nations
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Religious Atitudes to war and peace- Buddhists


  • Buddhists believe in Peace
  • In buddhist countries they have armies for defence reasons.
  • They believe violent actions have consequences for their rebirth.
  • It is wrong to harm others (5 precepts)
  • Buddhists believe all peaceful methods must be tried first as war makes more problems than it solves.
  • War is often a result of the 3 poisons -Ignorence, hatred and desire. and they are encouraged by war whereas buddhists seek to get rid of them.

  • Jesus taught a messages of love
  • Many christians accept that in some circumstances it is nessacery to use armed confilct and will fight in just war
  • No christian groups support nuclear weapons
  • Heaven is a place of love, kindness and no violence
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Just War and Holy war

JUST WAR - A war that the christian church defines as acceptable. this must fit a certain criteria.

The Just War Princliples

  • A war must be fourt for a just reason (eg self defence)
  • It must be started under proper authourity (eg, the UN)
  • It must for good or against evil
  • The war must be a last resort
  • Cilivian causlties must be avoided
  • You must a reasonable chance os success
  • The forces must be equal

HOLY WAR - Fighting for a religous cause of God.

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Victims of war

  • Treaties
  • Friends
  • The opposition
  • Education
  • Families
  • Tourism
  • Soldiers
  • Refugees
  • Leaders
  • Buisnesses
  • Army
  • Countries
  • Civillians
  • Communities
  • Allies
  • Military
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  • Throughout the world there are 12 million refugees
  • Poor living conditions lead to diseases
  • Refugees are forced to leave their homes due to conflict
  • Over 50 of refugees are children
  • Every 14 seconds someone crosses the border
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Charities and organisations

  • The Red Cross
  • The poppy appeal
  • Red Creasent
  • Help for Hereos

What do these organisationsDo?

  • Provide Humanitarian Aid, medical care, shelter and protection.
  • Counselling and support for those who have lost loved ones in conflict ar been abused
  • Support when conflict ends eg. rebuilding and relocating
  • Campaigns to bring an end to war and conflict.
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What is Terrorism?

  • An unlawful use of etreme violence to create fear.
  • They aim to achieve maximum publicity
  • Some terrorists target the goverment or country or blame innocent people.

Religous veiws on terrorism

  • Terrorism is against the principles of religous beliefs as it ignores justice and leads to killing and harm.
  • Religous teachings promote peace, justice and respect for life
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Nuclear Weapons


  • Nuclear power disencourages people to attack a cournty wil nuclear power
  • You can have them but not use them
  • Countries that are allies share millitary technology
  • The Use of weapons of mass destruction will be less if nuclear weapons are available.


  • Nuclear weapons can effect civilians, land and buildings over alot of space and time
  • There are huge risks and expenses of disposing current nuclear weapons
  • The weapons can be expensive to produce and store
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