Philosophy: The soul


What are the name of the three beliefs about the s

* Monism 

* Materialism 

* Dualism 

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Give 2 famous atheist, materialism thinkers

* John Hicks 

* Richard Dawkins

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What did Plato say about the soul?

Plato said that the soul is immaterial belonging to the 'world of forms' as part of the 'form of good'

Plato stated that the soul is immortal because the souls entirnity lies in itself. 

Soul is seperated from the body, because when a person dies there soul moves to another body.

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What did Aristotle state about the soul?

Aristotle believed that the soul is not a simple immortal substance and the soul doesn't go to another person's body.

He says the body and soul work together

He also says that all living things have a soul because the soul is the 'principle of life'

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What is Dawkins soul one?

The traditional view of the principle of life, a real seperate thing.

Dawkins rejects this.

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What is Dawkins soul two?

"intellectual or spiritual power, high development of the mental faculties. Deep feelings and sensitivity"

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