AQA A Level RE: Self, Death and Afterlife (philosophy) - Nature and existence of the soul

  • Created by: cpoppy
  • Created on: 16-03-20 16:32
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  • Philosophy: Self, death and afterlife - nature and existence of the soul
    • Plato
      • 1) Allegory of the cave: there are to worlds, the one in which we live and the perfect world of forms
      • 2) The soul is superior to and separate from the body and belongs to the world of forms
      • 3) Soul is eternal, so does not die
      • 4) Soul comes to earth and is imprisoned within the body, and at death, it escapes the body and returns to the Forms - either born into a different body or remains to contemplate the form of the good
      • 5) Charioteer analogy shows that the soul is divided into three parts
        • Spirited part (thumos) that includes emotions and character traits
        • Rational, immortal part that searches for the truth and keeps the other two aspects under control
        • Appetitive part - dies with the body and is concerned with basic drives
        • 6) Role of the Charioteer (reason) is to keep in check and in balance the spirit and desires (horses)
      • Evaluation
        • Strength: views of many Christians
        • Strength; supports the feeling that something has left a corpse
        • Weakness: no evidence for the world of forms
    • Decartes
      • Substance Dualism
        • Mind and body are distinct substances with different essential properties
        • Sceptic about reality: sense experience and intellect-based ideas could be deceptive or mistaken
      • Argument from Doubt
        • 1) One could doubt the body's existence
        • 2) The ability to doubt means one could not doubt their existence as a thinking being
        • 3) Therefore, as a thinking being, one is not identical with their body
      • Argument from divisibility and non-divisibility
        • 1) all bodies take up space, so are divisible
        • 2) Mental states do not and are different
        • 3) This means minds are radically different from bodies
      • Argument from Clear and Distinct Perception
        • 1) He attributes his perception of two different things to God having created two different things
        • 2) He has a CDP of himself as a thinking being and of his body as a non-thinking being
        • 3) He and his body are distinct, and are therefore different
      • Evaluation
        • Weakness: Consciouness is a product of the brain - part of the body
        • Weakness: neuroscience shows a correlation between mind and brain
        • Weakness: third proof is a circular argument
    • Monism/Physicalism/Materialism
      • View that the mind and body are one, and that the soul does not exist
    • Aristotle
      • Monist view rejecting Plato
      • The soul is what gives something his essential nature: shapes and gives life to the body, all things have them to survive, only humans have the capacity for rationality (nous)
      • Through reason, humans are able to make moral and intellectual development:  soul develops an individual's skills and character. It is the principle of life. The soul is mortal
      • Evaluation
        • Weakness: Christian view that soul leaves body at death
        • Strength: many people think of themselves as an integrated unity


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