persecution of the jews


how successful was the boycott of Jewish shops

  • 1st April 1933 Hitler and the SA organised a boycott of Jewish shops and businesses 
  • they justified it by arguing that Jews in Germany and abroad had called for a boycott of German goods 
  • the SA picked the shops they were going to target and stood outside them as to intimidate people from going in 
  • many Germans used Jewish shops to show their disapproval of the boycott 
  • it lasted only 1 day 
  • Hitler could not unleash Nazi violence as he had only just come to power and he needed the support of the conservative elites 
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what were the civil service laws of 1933?

  • 1933 law for the restoration of a profession civil service dismissed Jews from the civil service in Germnay 
  • this caused a bad economic and psychological effect upon the middle class Jews 
  • in 1933 , 37,000 Jews left Germany 
  • it was hard to define what a Jew was 
  • after 1933 it was agreed that a Jew was someone whose parents or their grandparents had been Jews 
  • Hidenburg said that those Jews who had served in the war or their fathers had died in the war were exempt from the law which meant 2/3 of Jews in the civil service were allowed to keep their jobs 
  • Hitler amended the law to all Jews in 1934 after Hindenburgs death 
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what laws were passed in order to exclude Jews?

  • Jewish doctors made up 10% of the doctors in germany. after 1933 it was law that only Jews could treat Jews however many still used their doctors despite propaganda and changes in law 
  • April 1933 - law against the overcrowding of German schools and universities restricted the number of Jews that could go to German schools and some university professors lost their jobs. however, Jews could still attend private schools and Jewish schools 
  • Reich press law censored the media which meant many Jewish journalists were no longer allowed to work 
  • lawyers were able to work as normal , their numbers only deminished over time 
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Nuremberg laws

  • 1935 
  • the Reich citizenship law stated Jews and other non-aryans were now subjects and not citizens of Germany which meant they had less rights then citizens 
  • the law for the protection of German blood and honor declared that Jews and non-aryans could not get married or have sexual relations with Germans 
  • first supplementary decree on the Reich citizenship law stated what a full Jew consisted of. Jews were individuals who had 3 Jewish grandparents of 2 Jewish grandparents and was married to a jew 
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how much discrimination did jews face from 1933 to

  • they were not allowed in some shops 
  • people would put up signs declaring that they could not go inside 
  • anti-semetics wanted all jews out of local schools 
  • not allowed to use public pools 
  • most people were against the discrimination but could not speak out about it 
  • they did not want to break away from familiy doctors + were upset that literary classics were banned 
  • people just put up signs to appease the government 
  • most people kept their heads down 
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anti-Semitic decrees after 1938

  • April 1938 - decree for the registration of jewish property, any property that was valued over 5000 marks was confiscated. this lead to business closing down, for instance in 1938 there were 40,000 jewish businesses but  by 1939 there were just 8000
  • jews were no longer able to be travel agents, sales men, security guards and estate agents. this caused lots of unemployment and jews had to get aid from jewish charitites 
  • October 1938 jews had to get a J stamped on their passport. this made them easiliy identifiable and it stripped them of their identity 
  • 1939 - jewish men had to take the middle name Israel and the women had to take the middle name Sarah 
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  • 9th November 1938 
  • Hitler told the ** and the SA to vandalise jewish business, property and synagogs 
  • they dressed in their own clothes to make it look like normal German people were doing it, Nazi propaganda also emphasised this 
  • business and homes were smashed and synagogs were burnt to the ground 
  • the fire stations were told to stop the fire spreading but not to put out the actual fire 
  • police were told not to interevene 
  • 91 jews were killed with thousands being beat up and seriously injured 
  • sliver and art was stolen 
  • some German's joined in but many were against what had happened 
  • lead to the decree for the resotration of the street scene - jews had to pay for the damage which was 1 billion marks 
  • decree for the exlusion of jews from economic life raised on the 12th Novemeber 
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  • jews were encouraged to immigrate althought this was controlled by the Nazis 
  • between 1933 and 1938 150,000 jews immigrated
  • they encouraged Zionists to immigrate back to palastine however, not many jews were Zionists and palastine was under british rule and could not accept many emigrants 
  • after the night of the broken glass many jews wanted to immigrate but countries had restrictions on the amount they could take in 
  • using the kindertransport 9000 jewish children left germany on their own between 1938 and 1939 
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why was immigration controlled

  • Nazis would seize the jewish property once they had left 
  • allowd for massive economic exploration 
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how did the invasion of poland effect policies tow

  • invading poland brought a mass amount of jews under nazi control 
  • these were more poor and orthadox then german jews and thus fit the nazi sterotype more 
  • policy not shifted from forced immigration to resettlement 
  • jews were sent to ghettos where conditions were made deliberatly bad so that many who  were moved here would die 
  • between 1939 and 1940 550000 jews were moved eastwards where they faced awful conditions 
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the Madagascar plan

  • foreign ministry department of german affairs said that madagascar should be made into a german mandate and taken off the french 
  • germany had already invaded france by then 
  • the plan was to send 4 million jews to madagascar and resettle them 
  • the conditions would be hash and eventually they would die of natural wastage 
  • the funding to get them there would be used from the jewish property they had taken
  • however as they were as was the the UK they would be able to stop the deportation so hitler had to look towards the east 
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how did war intensify persecution of the jews

  • the war made hitler have to deal with the jews in germany 
  • by 1939 all radio sets were confiscated from jews and they were not allowed to buy them 
  • 1940 they were excluded from war time rations for clothing and food 
  • jews were only allowed to enter shops at specific times 
  • 1941 - had to ave a police permit to travel 
  • 1941 - they had to wear the star of david 
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  • first ghetto was set up in Lodz in 1940 
  • 320,000 jews lived in the city and most of them were placed into the ghettos in one day 
  • jews forced to build a wall around the ghetto 
  • they had their houses taken off them and many had to sell their possessions to survive 
  • the jewish council of elders was set up to look after accomodation, food, health, finance and security. they mostly tried to releive suffering but some did abuse their position 
  • there was lots of overcrowding - 6 people shared a room and there were 15 to a flat
  • they were given insuffiencent food and health care 
  • no water in the apartments 
  • over crowding lead to the rapid spread of deseases such as typhus 
  • prayers and religious festivals were banned however, some secretly prayed and illegal schools and priniting presses were sent up 
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Warsaw ghetto

  • largest ghetto was the warsaw ghetto 
  • leader was Hans Frank and he orderded that the jews build a wall around the ghetto 
  • jews had to pay for its construction 
  • in november 1940 the rest of the jews from the city were rounded up and sent to the ghetto , this was aorund 400,000 people 
  • food was on starvation levels with jews getting just 300 calories a day 
  • the starvation and over crowding lead to the rapid spread of dieases such as typhus 
  • from 1940 to 1941 100,000 people died here 
  • the rest all died in camps 
  • the death toll for the warsaw ghetto was 500,000 people 
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  • temporary reserve units made up of police officer and troops from the gestapo and the ** 
  • they were under the direction of the ** 
  • their job was to eliminate communists and jews 
  • thought to have killed half a million soviet jews in 1941 
  • in poland in 1939 they killed 7000 jews 
  • they were supported by police reserve units 
  • manpower increase as auxilary units from loacal populations of the ukrain and latvia volunteered to take part in the ma** killings 
  • 40,000 men involved in the murders 
  • increased man power led to the execution of both women and children 
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the Wansee conference

  • took place after the invasion of the soviet union in 1941 
  • chaired by Heydrich 
  • 15 leading nazi officals were there apart from hitler and himmler 
  • heydrich got orders from goring telling him to go ahead and organsie the final solution 
  • some historians think it was an unwritten order from hitler 
  • others argue that heydrich was an empire builder who acted out of his own occured to advance his position 
  • this is when it was decided that the deportation of jews to ghettos was no longer effected 
  • they decided on an organised camp system which would allow the mass extermination of the jews 
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concentration camps

  • death camps were made after 1941 and were used to the mass execution of jews 
  • chelmno was the first killing centre and was set up in 1941. thought 5000 people were murdered here. they originally used vans to kill them, zyklon b was developed in 1942 
  • majdanek was built in 1940 and was not a death camp until 1941, killed 200,000 jews 
  • belzec - used from 1942 to 1943 with 1 million jews being killed their 
  • sobibor had 250,000 victims however, in 1943 800 jews escaped which lead to it closing down 
  • treblinka - 1 million jews died here with a lot of them coming from the warsaw ghetto 
  • auschwitz was a death factory which was the main killing centre from 1943 to 1944. it had a very complicated and organised system. jews were either sent straight to the gas chambers or were sent to an industrial complex on the other side where they were forced into slave labour. some of them were forced to do jobs in the camp such as buring the bodies of the dead from the gas chamber 
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death marches

  • although the Nazis knew they were going to loose the war in the summer of 1944 they didn't try to close down the death camps until november as the red army were close to finding out what they had been doing 
  • as the red army advance the nazis attempted to remove all those from the camps 
  • they were sent on marches westward away from the red army 
  • people suffered greatly 
  • the weather was freezing 
  • they were malnurished 
  • didn't have sufficient clothes or shoes 
  • if they attempted to rest or pick food up from the ground they were shot at 
  • estimated aroun 250,000 and 400,000 people died on these marches 
  • many of them were women 
  • this continued up until the end of the war 
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end of the war

  • 1945 russians liberated auschwitz 
  • american forced liberated dachau and mauthausen 
  • british liberated buchenwald and bergen belsen 
  • in may 1945 hitler killed himself 
  • the true horrors of the holocaust were begining to appear 
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Jewish resistance

  • extensive jewish resistence 
  • partisian fighters who would live deep in the woods and would sabotage german occupiers 
  • some were nationalists and communists, others were jews 
  • the belinksi brothers set up a partisian of 1200 people 
  • they helped people who where seeking refudge from the warsaw ghetto after escaping 
  • they tried to sneak information about the extermination camps to the allies but they could not deal with the horrors and could do nothing to prevent it 
  • there was an uprising in the warsaw ghetto in jan 1943, this was not suppresed until may of the same year 
  • prisoners of auschwitz blew up one of the crematoriums in 1944 
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