Outline and evaluate the behaviourist approach in psychology (12 marks)


Description cues

1) What does it suggest?...

2) Assumption of behaviourist approach?...

3) What sort of behaviour do the study?... and what does it enable...

4) Experiments used in behaviourist studies and why?...

5) 2 types of conditioning…and define them...

 6) Consequences of behaviour?....

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Evaluation cues

1  strength of the behaviourist approach;

1) practical applications why?

2) what has classical conditioning led to?

3) How does systematic desensitisation work? (use key terms e.g conditioned response, conditioned stimulus, associated, maladaptive)

4) what is being replaced with the learned response

5) what does systematic desensitisation demonstrate about psychology and the behaviourist approach?

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Evaluation cues

1 limitation of the behavioural approach

1) why is it over-simplistic?.... Nature vs nurture debate...

2) what do behaviourist psychologist believe about behaviour ?

3) classical and operant conditioning.... what do the ignore about biological approaches

4)  one-sided view? this is a problem because .... (holistic )

5) why do many psychologist disagree with behaviorist psychologist?...( nature)

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Evaluation cues

Another limitation

1) Free will VS Determinism debate 

2) Behaviour is the product of...

3) the individual cannot be held responsible for their own behaviour.

4)Skinner's argument, free will is an illusion, factors that are out of the person's control

5) why do humanistic psychologist argue with this view?

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