Office layout

Cards on office layout in a business

  • Created by: Lucy :)
  • Created on: 01-06-13 15:33

Open-Plan Offices

  • one large space
  • improves communication
  • easier to supervise staff
  • noisy
  • little privacy
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Cellular Office

  • smaller rooms
  • solid walls
  • fewer workers/just one
  • quiet
  • privacy
  • can be locked = protects valuables or confidential documents
  • supervision can be more difficult
  • less communication at times
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The office looks amazing



I wouldn't say I like such offices. In my opinion, everyone in the office needs to be spacious, and everyone needs to have their own workspace. It will increase productivity a lot. But I think that lots of companies don't even need office spaces. A lot of office tasks can be easily done from home. Also, there are many coworking spaces in Dallas, and whenever the company needs to organize a meeting, they can rent a conference room in such places. It is considerably more efficient and comfortable for everyone.




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