Non Verbal Communication Evaluation on Studies

  • Created by: Aj_k
  • Created on: 27-04-17 14:44

Verbal Communication

Key Studies: Argyle, Alkema and Gilmour (1971), Davitz and Davitz (1961)

These studies help us to understand how some people might have problems getting verbal information across to other people if their words seem to contradict the tone of voice that they're using. May suggest that they're not being entirely truthful.

Conducted in artificial conditions where participants were asked to concentrate on different aspects of the communication.

In real life, people may not focus so much on these details and mostly be taken in by the actual words used instead.

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Eye Contact

Key Studies: Argyle (1968), Hess (1963)

Asking people to get acquainted and observing them after is a very artificial situation therefore, participants may have behaved in a different way as oppose to normal.

Studies of eye contact help us to understand what we can do to make conversations run more smoothly

Studies of pupil dilation help us to understand why the use of eye makeup is so popular, which seems to be an important unconscious signal for attraction

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Facial Expressions

Key Study: Sackeim (1978)

Studies that involve still pictures are artificial as we don't usually stare at still pictures to judge people's emotions.

If facial expression is inherited, this means that it happens instinctively and it is more likely to be truthful. If someone is saying happy things with a sad expression, the chances are that person is feeling sad. It is easy to lie with words, but less easy with facial expressions

Sackeim's study also helps us understand why we prefer certain picture profiles of ourselves rather than others.

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