Nazi Policies Towards Jews 1933-1937

  • Created by: Xavier123
  • Created on: 14-04-18 16:23


April 1 - Boycott of Jewish Businesses. Justified as retaliation for the "Jewish Call for the boycott of German Goods", Which didn't really happen. SA utilised to intimidate would be customers and others. Jewish Lawyers, Judges and Dcotors were also subject to being attacked in the street, Mainly in Berlin, Breslau. Hitler not very supportive due to public and international opinion. Brief      

April - Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service. Required Jews to be dismissed from the civil service, however it wasnt as effective as the nazis hoped as profiling a jew was hard, and Hindenburg insisted on retaining those who had either served or had fathers whom had served in the First World War. Exemptions applied to 2/3 of jewish civil servants. Jewish Lawyers kept working through loopholes in the legislation, althugh the nazis tried to close these and the number decreased over the next few years. Jewish doctors were subject to local discrimination, with some local councils removing them from their positions       

April - Law against Overcrowding Of German Schools and Universities. Restricted number of jewish children in uni and chools process not completed until 1938, and it was sold that aryan children would get more attention. start of segregation of aryan and non aryan. Jews still had private education and jewish shcools to be schooled.

October - Reich Press Law. Censorship of the Press. Silenced the free press.

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15th SeptemberThe Nuremburg Laws. 

Reich Citizenship Law - Only a German citizen if one has pure German blood. Jews and non Aryans now considered a lesser citizen, so posessed fewer rights.

Law for the Protection of German Blood and Honour. - Outlawed marriage between Aryans and non-aryans. Illegal for German citizens to marry jews and illegal for jews to have sexual contact with Germans. law later extended to cover any physical contact

November First Supplementary Decree on the Reich Citizenship Law. Defined What was a jew. Someone with three jewish Grandparents were full Jews, or if they had 2 and were married to a jew. Someone with less were Half Jews, or Mischlinge. Law was difficult to interpret due to Jews converting to Christianity so by legal terms they weren't jewish. cases were arbitrary. The laws meant Jews now had a legal obligation to the state but no rights and powerless. Mischlinges could lead reativly normal lives.

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