Anti-Semitic Policy in Nazi Germany (1933-1945)


Policy: 1933-1937

- National Boycott, 1st April 1933: SA marked Jewish businesses and intimdiated custom

- Law Against the Overcrowding of German Schools, April 1933: Segregated German and Jewish schoolchildren

- Reich Press Law, October 1933: Dismissed Jewish journalists 

- Nuremburg Laws, 15th September 1935: Reich Citizenship Law - Revoked Jewish citizenship; Law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor - Banned German-Jewish relations

- First Supplementary Decree of the Nuremburg Laws (November 1935): Defined 'Full-Jews' and 'Mischlinge' ('half-Jews')

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Policy: 1938-1941

- April 1938: Jewish people had to register assets worth over 5,000 marks

- Anschluss, March 1938: 94% of Austrians vote in a plebiscite for unification of Austria and Germany. 183,000 Austrians are Jewish

- 1938: Jewish people lose entitlemnt to the welfare system

- Reichkristallnacht, 9th-10th November 1938: 91 people were killed in an SA/** led destruction of Jewish businesses. People horrified within Leipzig. 

- Decree for the Restoration of the Street Scene: Demands 1 billion from Jewish community for damage from Kristallnacht

- Reich Ghetto, September 1939: The Warsaw Ghetto many Jewish people were herded into established. 

- Madagascar Plan, June 1940: 25,000 French to be deported from Madagascar in order for Jewish people to live there in inhumane conditions. 

- Operation Barbarossa, October 1940: Nazis planned to invade U**R and deport Jews to Siberia

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The Final Solution: Wannsee Conference

- 20th January 1942: A meeting to inform senior bureaucrats of their roles in implementing a decision

- Reinhard Heydrich had been told to solve the 'Jewish Question' by Goering. 

- Neither Hitler or Himmler were in attendance. 

- Soviet Invasion, 22nd June 1941: The Final Solution was instigated by this event. 

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The Final Solution: Camp System

- February 1942-1943: Half of Holocaust victims murdered in this period. 

- 1/5 of Holocaust victims were murdered in Auschwitz. 

- Chelmno, December 1941: Established as the first death camp. 145,000 killed. 

- Early 1942: Zyklon B gas developed for use in death camps. 

- Majdanek, 1940-1941: Started as a concentration camp before becoming a death camp killing 200,000 (60% being Jews)

- Treblinka, July 1942-September 1943: Killed 1 million people

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Untermenschen in Wartime

- Untermenschen: 'Racially inferior' people according to Nazi Germany.

- Spring 1943: German surrender at Stalingrad is followed by Goebbels' 'Total War' speech.

- Autumn 1943: Mass bombing raids led to more Anti-Jewish propaganda

- Summer 1944: D-Day brought another propaganda surge

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Jewish Resistance

- Bielski Family: The brothers fled the Nowogrodack ghetto to the Naloboki forest and set up a camp with 1200 escapees at its height. They carried out sabotage missions against Nazi forces and evaded capture. 

- Bialystok and Warsaw Revolts, January 1943: Revolts in Ghettos took ** by surprise. Crushed in May 1943 by 2000 soldiers. 

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