Naming alkenes

  • Created by: Saarah17
  • Created on: 09-11-22 18:27


Describe how the electrolysis of brine occurs to produce Sodium hydroxide, Hydrogen and Chlorine :

H+ & Na+ = cathode
OH- & CI- = anode

—> NaOH, H2 and CI2 are produced
—> gases are kept separate - prevent explosion

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Naming 1

Double bond in lowest carbon :

—> get double bond in lowest carbon

—> unless OH attached then OH is on lowest carbon. E.g. But-2-ene-1-ol has OH on carbon 1 and double bond on carbon 2

—> use di for 2 double bonds. E.g. buta-1,3-diene

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For branched, 2 double bonds and cycloalkenes
{(CnH2n-2) = formula of alkanes and dienes}


(Buta = 4 carbons
1,3 = double bonds are on the lowest carbons when numbering them
diene = the no. of double bonds)

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Aromatic : a hydrocarbon containing at least 1 benzene ring

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