Methods in Context


Methods in Context

  • Clearly link the method to a specific content in crime mentioned in item
  • Use item, and expand on the points they have made - as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the content you are studying e.g. courts are easily accessible, but time consuming to watch all trials.
  • Lab experiment - hawthorne effect, reliable, artifical (generalisation)
  • Field experiment - cant control all variables, more valid (in natural setting)
  • Natural experiment
  • Participant observation - time, access(refuse), sociologist different to criminals or deviants so difficult to act this way (stand out),
  • Non-participant observation
  • Overt Observation - hawthorne effect, lack validity,
  • Covert Observation - ethics, only method to study crime and deviance?
  • Structured interview - reliable,
  • Unstructured interview - find meanings, higher validity,
  • Questionnaire - wording - linked to age,
  • Had: victims of crime - unstructured interviews, police attitudes - overt pp observation, prisoners experiences - questionnaires, court procedings - covert pp observation, domestic violence - unstructured interviews
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Methods in Context (2)

  • Official Statistics - different definitions, representative, not valid - domestic violence not reported, accessable, quick, reliable, may not have the statistics for what you're studying
  • Diaries, personal records
  • How you would go about studying the context, but then whats useful and not useful
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