Media studied OCR AS 'Mise-en-scene

An explanation regarding "Mise-enscene"- the meaning and how it is applied in Media studies, and what it it covers.


What is "Mise-en-scene

•The term "Mise-en-scene" is French, meaning: "What is put into a scene/frame" The contents within the frame and how they have been organised The term is part of the key Media terminology and covers a wide range of areas Such as: Characters, posistioning of characters, locations/settings, props, lighting/colour, sound, camera posistion/movement.

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What costumes are they wearing?

How it reflective of society/time period?

Hair makeup?

does it reflect class?

The actors- are they attractictive- do they conform to the character they are playing?

Diction: - how do they talk- a high register or a low register( Do they use complex vocab) 

What about accent low, middle upper class?

any regional accent?

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Characters 2

Facial expression-  what does their facial expression tell us?

Body language? Open or closed arms?

Positioning in frame: How are they posistioned? 

Tight framing: Connotes inability to escape

loose framing: could show isolation/lonliness- could indicate a large gap between two people

what could the posistion of the character signify? ie. picture of Jean Paul on Hollyoaks where he is closer to the left could signify femninisim.

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What lighting is used? 

High key low key?

American Tv shows often use very high key lighting to indicate glamour- however many quality period dramas found on the BBC such as Pride and predjudice would use very natural lighting

A mysterious character may have side lighting- showing we are unaware of their intentions

Low key lighting: often used in horror films

Soft lighting- Could be used in a romance film- created using filters etc

Natural lighting/artificial? Is it man made or natural.

Natural: Is good for dramas, utilizes the sun etc,  good for natural feel but lacks control. 

Artificial light- full control- man made

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Props and Camera

What props are being used, is there use of iconography? such as batons/handcuffs in a police drama?

What camera angles are being used?

Low angle?

To make a character appear powerful

High angle

to make a person look vulnerable

over the shoulder: During an interrogation scene, are we on the side of the accused or the accuser?

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