market research

  • Created by: lisha1
  • Created on: 19-03-17 14:26

Whats in the marketing mix?

1. Product- a product is a good or service bought by customers or other businesses. Customers buy a product to meet a need this means the company needs to make a product that would best meet the customers needs.

2. Place- place is where the product or service is available to the customers or other company. 

3. Promotion- promotion is when a business puts an offer on a good or service to encourage people to buy them. 

4. Price- costs= the amount of money that a company will pay to make the product or service price= the amount of money the product or service is sold to a customer or other company. To find the price of the product or service differs becuase of customers- lowering the price would open up to a bigger market but if the price is too low people might think it is bad quality. Competitors- companies dont want to be too expensive or too cheap compared to other companies. Cost- the price needs to be high enough so it covers the cost to make the product or service and be able to get a profit to pay for the wages. 

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What is product differentiation?

product differentation is where a business needs to decide on the function, apperance and cost of the good or service so it would most likely appeal to their target audience and stand out against competition. 

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What are the different types of promotion?

Advertising- it is above-the-line promotion. Adveritsing is non-personal and it is where a company pays people to put adverts on the televison, radio, social media or newspapers.

Sales promotions- sales promotions encourage people to buy there on the spot. Like 2 for 1 or buy one get one free.

Personal selling- this is face-to-face communitcation. When a company pays a sales person to go door to door to sell the product or service. 

Direct marketing- thisis when firms make contact with an individual consumer like junk mail or weekly speacial offer emails. 

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What is primary research?

Primary research is field infomation and includes:

1. Questionare and surveys

2. Observations

3.Consumer trials 

4. Hall tests 

5. Focus groups 

Primary research involves gathering new information that hasnt been gathered before. 

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What is secondary research?

Secondary research is desk research and includes:

1. Articles

2. Books

3. Newspapers



Secondary research invlolves gathering exsisting information that has all ready been made. 

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