Key Names (Families + Households)

Key names and their studies

  • Created by: Hannah
  • Created on: 08-05-09 09:06

R. and R.N. Rapoport (1971) Dual Career Families.

R. Chester (1985) The rise of the neo-conventional family.

P. Willmott (1988) Urban kinship past and present.

Parsons The essential functions of the family.

Bales Experimental work with Parsons on instrumental and Affective roles.

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Zelditch Cross-cultural data used by Parsons.

Kessler and Mackenna (1978) Family types ignored by Parson's idealized family.

Bowlby (1965) Theory of maternal deprivation.

Rutter (1972) Chief caretaker need not be mother, need not be female.

Laslett Statistical work on family size since the 16th century.

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Anderson Study of Preston based on 1851 census figures.

Harris The idea that inheritance systems could be implicated in early development of industrialisation.

Willmott and Young Extended families in East London in the 1950's.

Bott 'The Family and Social Networks' (1957) Coined terms segregated and joint.

Willmott and Young (1973) 'The Symmetrical Family'.

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Rosser and Harris (1965) Growth of more companionate marriage.

Goldthorpe and Lockwood (1967) 'The Affluent Worker'.

Rapoport et al (1976) 'Dual Career Families Re-examined'.

J. Bernard (1972) 'The Wife's Marriage'.

M. Maynard (1985) 'Contemporary Housework and The Houseworker Role'.

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Edgell (1980) 'Middle Class Couples'.

J. Pahl (1989) 'Money and Marriage'.

F. Divine (1992) Re-visiting the affluent worker town of Luton.

A. Oakley (1974) 'The Sociology of Housework'.

Fletcher (1966) Increase in divorce a consequence of higher expectations of marriage.

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Wilson (1966) Increased in divorce because of Secularisation.

Gibson (1994) Financial state of marriage is a good predictor of divorce.

Dobash and Dobash (1980) 'Violence Against Wives'.

Hanmer (1983) A study of community violence to women.

Abbott and Wallace (1990) 'Note the main trigger for violence is the male perception that a partner is failing in her duties.

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Faulk (1974) Argued men convicted of abuse were mentally ill.

Schlegel (1972) Looked at 45 societies and showed that 75% of them permitted husbands to be aggressive towards their wives.

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