Kaiser Wilhelm II - Growth & Changes to Germany


Growth Of Germany

Germany was formed in 1871 and was controlled by Kaiser Wilhelm II (emperor).

Kaiser wanted Germany to be as powerful and Britain.

As a new country, Germany needed alliances. But, the Kaiser was encircled by his two enemies: France and Russia.

The Kaiser made alliances to secure friendships, but this was done in secret. This made France and Russia suspicious of Germany, so they signed a treaty together.

Dual Alliance 1879 - Signed between Germany and Austria to defend each other if they were attacked.

Triple Alliance 1881 - Signed between Germany, Italy and Austria to defend each other if they were attacked.

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Changes to Germany

Industrial and population changes led to huge social changes in Germany before WW1.

The German Chancellor in the 1880s, Otto Von Bismark, introduced new reforms to reduce support for SPD and also published laws to reduce Socialism. Several attempts were made after 1890 to introduce anti-socialist laws, though none were approved

Adult male workers were able to vote, leading to support for the SPD (German Social Democratic Party). They became the largest party in the Reichstag by 1912. The rise in support for the SPD troubled the Kaiser and other members of the government.

Social insurance systems were introduced by Bismark in the 1880s and imporoved the lives of workers by:

  • Banning Sunday working and employment of children under 13 - 1891.
  • Length of time for accident insurance was increased - 1900.
  • Industrial Courts introduced to settle arguement between workers and employers - 1901.
  • Health insurance extended and further restrictions on child labour - 1903.

The Junkers (rich group) and industrialists need to limit socialism and so supported the reforms.

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