James I financial problems

  • Created by: Farhiyo98
  • Created on: 05-02-17 15:16

James I and parliament

What was Divine Right?

  • Divine Right theory taught that kings were chosen by people, accountable to subjects. Its the subjects duty to remove ungodly prince
  • James wrote 2 books ; Basilikon Doron and trew law of free monarchies to his son Henry
  • James was a pragmatic monarch, carefully used royal prerogatives, unlike Charles I his successor

James' problems with parliament over Divine Right

  • Decisions over disputed elections: whether commons or chancery decide in disputed parliamentary elections. James chose chancery. Caused parl to disagree as they feared a pack parliament
  • Purveyance: Parliament wanted this removed, James agreed, however officials in court didnt
  • Warships: Landowners wanted it abolished. Commons drew up form of apology and satisfaction, James never recieved copy, prorogued parliament. James described above the law by John Cowell
  • James condemned affair in a royal proclamation, said always rule within the law
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