Home Rule League

  • Created by: GCHIS
  • Created on: 14-11-19 15:59

Irish Nationalism after the Fenian Rising

  • More of a British presence
  • Nationalism took a hit - lots of leaders were wither arrested or executed
  • Manchester Martyrs - if not for this, woudl be little Nationalist support
  • Martyrs sparked more conflict with Britain
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Home Government Association

  • Founded by Isaac **** in 1870, in 1873 became known as the Home Rule League
  • Aims were to repeal the Act of Union, wanted Irish government and parliament, but not complete independence

The Home Rule League

  • After the failed rebellion of 1867 the IRB were regrouping which left a avacuum for moderate nationalists to campaign
  • There was a general push towards using constitutional methods - legal structures
  • Isaac ****'s new movement sought an Irish Parliament that would run domestic affairs only - Eg land distribution and Catholic rights
  • More restrained demands but might therefore have a greater chance of success - not like the Fenians
  • Might suggest that the leaders were aware of their own limitations - Irish Nationalism is not one consistent movement 
  • Differing opinions on Irish independence created conflict

In the 1870s, the British Empire was at its height - biggest economy/army etc 

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Ideas of the leader

  • His views were different to the IRB
  • He was not dominated by Catholic ideas that Britain was an oppressor, instead he focused on the positives that a relationship with British could bring
  • Recognised that people were dissatisfied with their current situation but wanted to move away from militant ideas
  • Wanted to reform (not repeal) the Union with Britain to allow greater Irish autonomy
  • Based on trust and understanding, no common ground
  • It was an unusual situation and so voilent options were not going to be successful at all - change the relationship but not end the relationship
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What methods could they use?

  • Parliament - they could only speak if the member was aiming to create political alliances, William Gladstone supported this
  • Newspapers - gained support of the newspapers that illustrated the relationship between Britain and Ireland
  • Certificate - they could pay for a membership certificate
  • Sell and create newspapers - ones that had the leaders and important members of Home Rule League on them 
  • Propaganda and political alliances so they are organised and sensible
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Methods they did use

  • Home Government Organisation established in 1870 became known as the Home Rule League in 1873
  • They stood in the 1874 election and won more than half of the seats (60 out of 101) which have them influence in the British Parliament. They pushed for Home Rule at every opportunity - had significant influence and used their position to their advantage
  • Leader's request for a separate parliament was ignored by both main parties
  • Adopted a policy of deliberate obstruction by using the filibuster - wasting time in parliament (can speak for as long as you remain standing and speaking)
  • This was seen as ungentlemanly but the repeated failure weakened James' reputation within the party. He became increasingly marginalised - position in party weakened over time, which lead to desperation
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  • Catholic nationalist frustrated by the lack of success and pushed for more assertive action
  • Whilst they were less extreme than IRB, they were still pushing
  • League was a lifeline for Irish Nationalist ideas which were beginning to strengthen
  • Given direction by Charles Stewart Parnell (MP for County Meath) in 1875
  • 'Arriving on white horse' - saviour
  • He was the leading figure of Irish Nationalism, a part of a Catholic group who wanted things to be done faster
  • Home Rule League was not 100% successful, they providwed a lifeline for Nationalists
  • Parnell took leadership of the Home Rule League within parliament, he was seen as a hero by the Irish and gained a mythical status

How did the campaign for Home Rule change Irish Nationalism?

  • British failure to deal with Irish problems led to an increase in Nationalism
  • Wanted Home Rule Bill so that they could pass land reform themselves
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