
  • Created by: Millie010
  • Created on: 05-05-15 17:50

Slavery and anti-slavery


Before Africans became slaves they lived in small vllages all around Africa. They lived in small hut with their family and the peiple in the community would be part of their tribe. They were quite civilised people in the way that they made art and their homes but also found food sources around them in their community.

Africans were atken form the west coast of Africa to the coast by English and Europian traders who would from there capture the slaves and marchto the coast in chained lines called coffles, where they were held in prisons called 'factories' they then were out on the middle passage. The ships had houndreds of slaves on them and the livning conditions wer horrible . They were shackled and chained up , have limited food and have to stay down below decks with everyone else.

Once they were captured they were labelled by being imprinted (branding) with a hot metal plate. When they had done this they would sort them out and put them for auction so that rich men/women could buy them and make them work.

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Slavery and anti-slavery


At the end of the 18th century, public opinion began to turn against the slave trade. They did this because slaves had had enough of the ways they were being treated and other poeple realised that this wasn't right.

There was resistance to the slave trade:

Passive resistance- (An act of protesting in a non-violent way) Working slowly, Running away.

Active Resistance- (An act of protesting in a violent way) Slave women taunting the oversee-ers or slave owners, Arson-Setting fire to a slave owners house, poisoning the masters, rebelling and taking weapons to fight the slave owners, injuring plantaion animals.

Running away from their homes was so that they could get as far away as possible so they could get to the north where they could live as a free person. One thing created was an underground railroad which was a group of people who helped get slaves out to the noth by sending codes through songs telling them where they need to go. This was important in history because it gave the black people hope for them to be set free.

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Civil rights


What poeple did to protest agains segregation and the jim crow laws- Bus Boycott, Staying in their seats on buses, getting arrested for their freedoms, giving speeches, significant leaders and role models (mlk and malcom x), protests on the street (marches), car pods(to stay off buses during the boycott), demonstrating outside important buildings, sit-ins, peaceful protests, police brutality, the march on washington.

Rosa Parks- Stood up for her rights by staying seated in a white area on a segregated bus.

Litttle Rock- Group of 9 students who were the first to tackle school segregation by going to a white school.

Lunch counter sit-ins- This was when black people would protest by sitting in white seated areas of a diner until they were served.

Washington rally- A march lead by people for the freedom of blacks to the whitehouse. This was when Martin Luther king lead his i have a dream speech in front of millions.

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