Evaluation of Agentic State and LOA

  • Created by: ss_
  • Created on: 11-03-18 15:12

Evidence in a real-life setting - LOA

  • Tarnow (2000) obedience in the cockpit study
  • Studied black box recordings from aircraft incidents and found an excessive dependence on the pilots authority and expertise - one second officer claimed that, although he noticed the captain taking a pretty risky approach, he said nothing as he assumed the captain must know what he's doing. 
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Research that doesn't support agentic state.

  • For example, the behaviour of the Nazis cannot be explained in terms of authority and an agentic shift. Mandel (1998) described one incident involving German Reserve Police Battalion 101 where men obeyed the orders to shoot civilians in a small town in Poland. 
  • This was despite the fact they did not have direct orders to do so (they were told they could be assigned to other duties if they preferred.)
  • Therefore, this does not support the agentic state explanation for obedience as they could not shift the blame but still carried out the killings. 
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Cultural differences

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