Elizabeth I Foreign Policy



1559 - Elizabeth sends financial and eventually naval support to the Protestant Lords of Congregation

1560 - the Treaty of Edinburgh brought peace between Scotland and England

1567 - MQS was forced to abdicate

1568 - MQS fled to England

1570 - Scottish regent the Earl of Moray was assassinated

1586 - the Treaty of Berwick in which Elizabeth and James VI pledge friendship

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1559 - Treaty of Catau-cambresis between France and Spain confirms England's loss of Calais

1562 - Elizabeth sends military support to Huguenots

1564 - Treaty of Troyes between England and France

1572 - Treaty of Blois between France and Spain + St Bartholomew's Day Massacre

1579 - Marriage negotiations between Elizabeth and the Duke of Alencon

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1559 - Phillip II proposes marriage to Elizabeth

1567 - The Duke of Alba is in control of the Spainish troops in the Netherlands who were fighting

1568 - An English fleet under John Hawkins at San Juan de Ulua clashes with a Spanish fleet and Elizabeth impounds a Spanish bullion sheltering in English ports and carrying Genoan money to pay their troops in the Netherlands

1584 - Expulsion of the Spanish Ambassador, Treaty of Joinville between PhilipII and the French Catholic League

1585 - Treaty of Nonsuch commits Elizabeth to military intervention in the Netherlands and England's war against Spain begins

1587 - Successful attach of a Spanish fleet at Cadiz

1588 - Spanish Armarda is defeated

1604 - England's war with Spain ends

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